401-783-0529 separator info@coastalbikingadventures.com
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Rhode Island Connecticut and New York eco travel,Eco bike tours  - sunset in harbor

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Eco Travel with eco bike tours

Coastal Biking Adventures is committed to responsible eco travel. We know our cyclists are among the beneficiaries of the hard work and successful conservation efforts made by such groups as the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society and many others. As a result we promote low-carbon, eco friendly biking vacations, which respect the natural habitat, wildlife, and local communities. Coastal Biking Adventures is taking the following measures to do our part to create a greener world.

  • We are working with local organizations to reduce any negative impact on the complex ecosystems along our route.
  • Every effort is made to use recycled materials, to recycle waste from our tours and work with businesses that share our philosophy.
  • At our home base, Coastal biking Adventures is a member of the GreenUp renewable energy program. GreenUp assures that 100% of our electricity is generated from renewable resources such as new wind, solar, biomass, and low-impact hydro.

By conserving today we preserve the natural beauty of our coastal environment for the next generation of cyclists to enjoy.

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